Domestic Abuse Simulation Makeup.


Today I had a paid Work Experience working as the Makeup Designer and Artist. This was for a Domestic Abuse Photoshoot which meant I had to do Casualty Simulation Makeup. I had two models to work on with two stories behind the makeup; The first was a woman who had never been beaten before and her partner had thrown her down some stairs. The second was a woman who had been beaten for years with healing bruises and some scarring. The first makeup consisted of bruising, a bust lip and some swelling under grazing. . This was a really fun job despite the cause and it’s been really nice to practice casualty simulation again.In reflection, I could have been more professional by having business cards and pricelists. I will have to invest in some good quality promotional materials.ImageImage

Kait x

Hookers and Herpes…


Last week Polly asked us to do a character makeup of a drug using streetwalker. I worked on Fee.


I began with a light airbrush base, so that the skin could be even but not conceal any flaws. I then moved on to using Mould Life’s Sculpt Gel, mixing at a ratio of 2:1. This was so that it would be thick enough to give depth but not so thin that it would go off extremely quickly. it needed to to plyable as I was planning to turn this into Herpes. To create this effect, I stippled over the top of the gel. I then applied heavy black, smudged eye makeup while the gel set.
I decided that for authenticity purposes, I should apply love bites on the neck. I did this using Kryolan’s supra colour palette and the bruise wheel. After this I coloured the sculpt gel with Kryolan’s bruise wheel.
I felt that this could have been much better if I’d had time to research. In future I hope that I have this time as I can then properly demonstrate my ability to do an authentic makeup.


Photoshoot Planning!


So I previously mentioned that I was organizing an Alice in Wonderland themed photoshoot. I have now got a confirmed date – 17th Jan (5 DAYS AWAY!!!), 5 Confirmed Models, 3 Confirmed MUA’s and 1 Photographer, possibly another.

I’ve been doing all of my designs on an app called Glamzy Pro which is a face chart template with a funtion similar to MS paint but with the MAC and Makeup Forever library of colours which gives plenty to work with.

I’ll let you know how the shoot goes πŸ™‚

Creepy Dolls


So on the 18th of December I had my assessment in college for my Dead Silence inspired Ventriloquist Doll prosthetic mask. I made it out of silicone and painted it with Skin Illustrator’s Flesh palette. I finished it on the model with Glynn MacKay’s bruise gel and congealed blood. I think this assesment went well however, I feel I could have improved on this in so many ways. Firstly, I would have added more texture to the eye socket, I would secondly have bought a straighjacket instead of making one at the last minute.


Model; Saarah Amirah.

Photoshoot with Fee Leslie and Bash Ansari.


Hello again πŸ™‚

So I did a horror Photoshoot back in October and now I have the pictures, I can talk about it!

When we got there we did various makeups, originally pretty makeup, and then we transofrmed it into something dark – I did a slit throat, which I think has been the best one I’ve done yet – I also did a bust lip and a bruise on the eye. I’m so happy the pictures got back to me as I was quite worried about them, but they’re here now!

So happy about that slit throat!!!!

Collaboration with Mark Coxon!



So over the last few weeks I’ve been planning and organizing a collaboration with Mark Coxon from Jaded Images. The theme is Alice in Wonderland meets Evil Dead. I’m looking for models and other SFX Makeup Artists to get in on it. It’s going to be big. Dates are confirmed – 17th January.

More info soon,

Kait x

Life Saving Website.


So on my usual wander around the internet I found a really cool website full of information and really helpful things to consider about SFX Makeup –

I think this is going to be really helpful with not only my Uni work, but also through my working life. I hugely appreciate this website, whoever you are – Thank you!

Kait x

Bulletwound Prosthetics?


So a friend of mine popped over for a drink and we ended up playing about with some makeup – He wanted a bullet exit wound in his chest and luckily I had a spare prosthetic for that. I stuck in on with Kyrolan spirit gum and then painted it with Glynn Mackay bruise gels. I think next time I will have to use some wax around the edges to blend them better as they were not very thin, but from a distance, I think it turned out quite well for a last minute job.Β Image

Kait x

Old Age Makeup.


So recently I’ve been looking at different methods of doing old age makeup and I found this video by Petrilude doing his first attempt at it. He did really well with it using Cream Foundations and blending them out.

I also looked at prosthetic old age makeup and how that can be done, I found this to be a really good method of making old age makeup.


Halloween Makeup.


Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday because it means I can get all zombie’d up. Heres a photo of my Zombie makeup.


I used Liquid Latex, Kryolan Bruise Wheel, Kryolan Supracolour Flesh Palette and Glynn Mackay’s Congealed blood to create this makeup.

First I cleansed, toned and dried my face. I did not apply moisturizer as it creates a barrier between the skin and the latex. To start I applied Kryolan Supracolour in 11W as a base with a torn in half Alcone makeup sponge and then highlighted my cheekbones and nose with 10W using the other side of the sponge. After that I used NB on the other half of the sponge to hollow out my face. I applied it on the temples, the hollows of my cheeks, under my jaw and the eye sockets. I blended this out using my fingers.

The next thing I applied was Liquid latex on another half of an Alcone sponge. I stippled it on my right cheek and lower left lip then on my chest. I dried this with a hair dryer and applied a second layer on top. I left them to dry naturally while I started to work on the eyes. I used the Kryolan Bruise Wheel in layers, starting with the yellow. I patted the makeup all around my eye using my ring finger and blended with a sponge. I then started applying the red very lightly around the eye close to the bridge of the nose. After that I started applying the lilac just below my lower lash line and blended out using my little finger. Then I blended it all out with a tiny bit of the green and the blue on my ring finger and smoothed with a sponge.

When I finished on the eyes I got to work on the latex. I pulled at it with a pair of tweezers to create holes. These holes were filled in with the red from the Bruise Wheel on a small flat tipped brush. I blended them with my little finger. I powdered my face and chest with Kryolan’s translucent powder using the large Mehron Powder Puff.
I then painted around the inner edges of the holes with the Glynn Mackay Congealed Blood on a lip brush and left it to dry.

Kait x